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Jordan Beaudoin

Read Across America Week!

This week is pretty important in school systems across America!

This week is known as Read Across America Week! Schools around the country will be celebrating all books from around the world!

Whether the book is big or small, Read Across America focuses on all different types of books that both students and parents read.

The first day of Read Across America Week begins on March 2. The reason that this day was picked was because March 2 is the beloved children's author of Dr. Seuss's birthday.

The National Educators Association (NEA) started Read Across America Week in 1998 to excite kids about reading. It is an immense privilege to learn how to read, and every year, people and students find new ways to celebrate books.

Schools this week will be devoted to giving students things to do when it comes to literature.

Some of those things that students will be able to do is attend book fairs, read short stories in their classroom and learn about differnt types of books to read, some students will even be doing projects focused on certain books that were both written by Dr. Seuss and other stories that everyone knows and loves.

Different grade levels will be focused on different projects making it fun for everyone.

Outside of school events will also take place. There will also be events hosted at local libraries wheverver you live to celebrate Read Across America Week altogether!

Be sure to pick up your favorite book and read to celebrate this week.


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